Anthems for doomed youth

GRAINDELAVOIX under the leadership of Björn Schmelzer

David's lamentations for Jonathan and Absalom

Graindelavoix presents its new programme, ‘Anthems for Doomed Youth’. It consists of lamentations by David for Absalom and Jonathan in English, Franco-Flemish and Spanish polyphony. The title comes from the famous poem by the war poet Wilfred Owen, who wrote this lamentation for the death of young soldiers.

David’s lamentations for two fallen soldiers, his son Absalom and his beloved Jonathan, were set to music many times in the 16th and early 17th centuries, on both sides of the Channel. Graindelavoix will perform its selection in the majestic St Dymphna’s Church in Geel, a few hundred metres from the cemetery for soldiers who died during the Allied Liberation in 1944.


Graindelavoix - Björn Schmelzer
with Florencia Menconi, Andrew Hallock, Albert Riera, Gabriel Belkheiri, Noé Chapolard, Marius Peterson, Tomas Maxé, Arnout Malfliet

20:00 — 21:15

Sint-Dimpnaplein 15


Motets by Franco-Flemish (Josquin, De la Rue), English (Tomkins, Weelkes) and Spanish (Tejeda, De Ribera) composers.

In collaboration with
CC De Werft en Stad Geel

€ 22 (-26: € 10)
Includes introduction and reception