Ave Maris Stella * Ave Josquin & Co

Currende led by Erik Van Nevel

Abbey weekend

The famous portrait of a musician that is often attributed to Da Vinci might well be a picture of another genius of his era, Josquin Des Prez. So a festival dedicated to the sound of Da Vinci would not be complete without work by the Flemish polyphonist. None other than Erik Van Nevel and the musicians of the Currende ensemble will give a performance of Des Prez’ powerful Missa Ave Maris Stella that is fit to make the magnificent Tongerlo Abbey shine.

Currende led by Erik Van Nevel

19:30 — 21:00

Abbey Tongerlo
Abdijstraat 40

Music from Josquin Des Prez, Alexander Agricola, Adriaan Willaert, Cipriano De Rore, Orlandus Lassus and many more.

In collaboration with:
Municipality of Westerlo
Norbertine Abbey Tongerlo

€ 20 (-26: € 10)
Incl. inleiding en receptie

Projection of the short film The Last Supper: the Living Tableau on the Abbey Church
Experience the mystical grace of The Last Supper with “The Living Tableau”, a painstakingly accurate filmic recreation of one of history’s most sacred moments. Feel the intimacy, transcendence and timeless omniscience of The Eucharist. Filmed through the inspired lens of director Armondo Linus Acosta, see this short film on September 21st, at 20:45, at Tongerlo Abbey. For more information: www.thelivingtableau.com