The breath out of heaven

Cappella Pratensis

Abbeys weekend

The Annunciation has been considered one of the crucial mysteries of the Christian faith since very early in its history. The story, described in the Gospel of St Luke, tells how the angel Gabriel announces to the Virgin Mary that she will become pregnant by means of the afflatus superi flamini — “the inspiration of the breath of above”— the breath of God, or the Holy Spirit.
Cappella Pratensis will perform a mass for this Feast of the Annunciation at Musica Divina. It has drawn on sources from the Sistine Chapel. The focus is on the mass Ecce Ancilla Domini by Guillaume De Fay, one of the most famous composers of the 15th century. Cappella Pratensis interweaves this superb mass with Gregorian chants and motets intended for the Feast of the Annunciation.

Cappella Pratensis

20:00 — 21:30

Saint-Pieter en Pauwel church

Antoine Busnoys (c. 1430-1492) Alleluia Verbum caro factum est
Gregoriaans Introitus Rorate celi
Guillaume Dufay (1397-1474) Missa Ecce ancilla Domini - Kyrie
Guillaume Dufay Missa Ecce ancilla Domini - Gloria
Gregoriaans Graduale I Tollite portas
Gregoriaans Graduale II Prope est Dominus
Gregoriaans Evangelie: Lukas 1: 26-38
Guillaume Dufay Missa Ecce ancilla Domini - Credo
Gregoriaans Offertorium Confortamini
Gregoriaans Prefatio
Guillaume Dufay Missa Ecce ancilla Domini - Sanctus
Gregoriaans Pater noster
Guillaume Dufay Missa Ecce ancilla Domini – Agnus
Gregoriaans Communio Ecce virgo concipiet
Antoine Busnoys Regina celi II

€ 20 (-26: € 10)
Incl. introduction

This concert is sold out, but you can always register for a waiting list by e-mail to [email protected]. We will inform you as soon as places become available.

New concert location:
Sint-Pieter en Pauwelkerk
Markt, 2400 Mol

In partnership with
Gemeente Mol
Abdij van Postel
Cultuurcentrum Mol